February Update, 2024

Hello friends!

Greetings once again from Virginia! I’ll try to catch you up a bit on my life since my summer update.

In August I traveled out to Arkansas to the wedding of JD High and Rhonda Mast. It was great to see Illinois friends again and make some new friends as well. Besides an episode of my keys, purse, and phone getting locked in my vehicle in a strange town where I had no connections, the trip went well. And the Lord sent just the help I needed and I made it to the wedding on time, if a bit frazzled. That’s a story for another day.

JD and Rhonda

The week after their wedding I had eye surgery. I got Lasik done so now I don’t need to use contacts or glasses. It’s only been five months since then but I would say doing Lasik is one of the best decisions I ever made. It’s wonderful not having to worry about contacts or glasses!

Before Surgery

In September I had the opportunity to join a group going to DC for street ministry. That’s something I have always enjoyed and was glad it worked out for me to go along.

The beginning of October I once again headed to Illinois. I traveled out in time to be there for the annual Youth Retreat. It was a great time reconnecting with my friends.

Besides the fact that Illinois has been Home for the past two years, my reason for going this time was to help at a butcher shop over deer season. I helped with cleaning, packaging, freezer work, and serving customers. I enjoyed my work and had great bosses and coworkers. I started in October and worked through the end of January. I’ll share a few pictures. You should be able to see a description by clicking on the picture in the gallery below.

Many people have been asking me what’s next. Well, the next thing is back to Guatemala! But this time I will be serving in a different area than before. I will be serving in the area where my cousin Tiana and her husband Rúben live. It has been in the works for awhile but the final pieces are now coming together. I will be going under Aaron and Hur Care, a new ministry run by my cousin Susana and her husband Adam. One of my friends asked about support because as she said, “You can’t live off of good works.” I will be needing financial and prayer support, so if you are interested you can reach out to me and I can provide you with the necessary information.

I traveled back to Virginia the 5th of February and will be flying to Guatemala on the 20th so that gives me two weeks to unpack and repack and try to leave everything in order behind me. I feel like I have plenty to keep me busy. I would appreciate your prayers as I prepare and as I adjust to life there. I’m excited to be back in Guatemala, but I feel that I will be pushed out of my comfort zone. I don’t say that to complain, just to say I need your prayers and support. I look forward to living near my cousin Tiana and being able to spend lots of time with her and her family.

For some wondering about the landscape where I will be living, here’s a picture taken in March of 2020.

Thanks to each one for following along! God Bless!